Specialty Pharmacy, Rare Capabilities
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Perigon Pharmacy 360 is a full-service, specialty digital pharmacy focusing on the treatment of patients with rare and chronic health conditions.
We provide a higher level of pharmacy care to ensure the highest adherence available, critical patient insights, and the best pathway to improved clinical outcomes. We treat the disease states of oncology, infectious disease, neurology, gastrointestinal, rheumatoid arthritis, and traditional care medication.
Our Specialty Pharmacists focus on providing the best care for our patients by designing a comprehensive, coordinated patient adherence program to ensure the best possible health outcomes.
Our Specialty Pharmacists focus on providing the best care for our patients by designing a comprehensive, coordinated patient adherence program to ensure the best possible health outcomes.
How We're Redefining Pharmacy
Real-Time Robust Credible Data
Increased Adherence
Improved Health Outcomes
Rare Disease Expertise
Smart Home Presence
Licensed in All 50 States + D.C.
2-Way Communication
Personalized Intervention
Now Introducing:
Our revolutionary health platform is proven to address real patient problems and drive better health outcomes through real, measurable data and personalized care.
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¹ Joanna P. MacEwan, Alison R. Silverstein, Jason Shafrin, Darius N. Lakdawalla, Ainslie Hatch, Felicia M. Forma. (2018, May 3). Medication Adherence Patterns Among Patients with Multiple Serious Mental and Physical Illnesses. Springer Link. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12325-018-0700-6.
A Message From Your Pharmacist
"Our Medesto Health Platform provides incredible insight and enables communication not available at scale today. My team of pharmacists can play an even more meaningful role in the care of our patients."
Perigon Pharmacy 360 is dually accredited with both ACHC & URAC, which exemplifies our commitment to quality and excellence. Qualifying for dual accreditation means that we are providing the highest level of quality in our clinical support and patient care services.
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